Sunday, February 26, 2012

A section of my mind

In the beginning everything feels great, everything is everything you want. This person fresh out the wound, that person who you chose to be. How about those memories you choose to keep, the ones you don’t have the courage to share with another person. Sometimes you feel like life is dream that you can wake up from. After that you open your eyes and realize that this is real life.

Those friends you thought were friends or the close ones whose lives have to end. Thoughts of the past bringing tears to your eyes, but sometimes blocking those memories…you feel sad with a handful of hatred ready to explode. That large portion of your mind that’s waiting to be filled with promising thoughts.

At the end of the day I ask myself if I learned something new..Or if the next day will be the same. Every day I leave the house I make sure every step counts, I keep focused with a clear mind fresh and ready. I’m ready for what the world has to bring and if you think backing down is an option well…Guess again because I’m on 1